University Notes

You can find down below a few notes that I have taken during University courses. Feel free to use them, but please do not change them and divulgate them without my consent.

Some of them are related to Physics, and thus are from my Bachelor's degree, while others attain to Data Science, and to my Master's degree.

Fisica Medica

Medical Physics

Some notes with introduction to key components in the field of medical physics. In particular: radiotherapy, hadrontherapy, medical imaging and megnetic resonance are touched in this notes. They are in Italian.

Data Management

Again, unfortunately in Italian, these notes are about the course in Data Management I took in 2019/2020. They are quite thorough, at least I think, even though they mostly serve as a mean of recollection. Still, I hope they might be useful to someone.

Data Visualization

To be bound with the course in Data Management, these notes in Italian are about the general means used in the Data Visualizations field. While not complete, they could be useful to someone interested in avoiding big mistakes while doing a viz.

Statistical Modelling

Even though taken during the covid-19 pandemic and, as most of my notes, in Italian, I am quite proud of how neat and clean these ended up. Most of the material presented is not at times coherent, even though I would say it is hardly my fault.

Machine Learning

A simple and easy introduction to Machine Learning. I believe these notes, which come from one of the course I took in the first semester of my Master's, are decent and detail most of the field of Machine Learning, even though they lack my favourite Manifold Learning . Even though in Italian, I hope you can get some information out of them.


Ask me! 😄


Lugano, Switzerland 🇨🇭