If you cannot access some papers, e.g., paywall, just drop me a message: leonardo@alchieri.eu

Recognition of Engagement from Electrodermal Activity Data Across Different Contexts

Extended Poster Abstract (UBICOMP 2023)

Investigation of cross-context engagement using correlation analysis and machine learning classification.

On the Impact of Lateralization in Physiological Signals from Wearable Sensors

Workshop Paper (UBICOMP 2022)

Analysis of the effect of laterization in PPG and EDA physiological signals in, from both a statistical point of view as well as a quantification of the impact on a real world application.

A Multi-Sensor Fusion Method For Stress Recognition

Workshop Paper (EMBC 2022)

2nd position award at "The EMBC 2022 Workshop and Challenge on Detection of Stress and Mental Health Using Wearable Sensors"

An introduction to quantum machine learning: from quantum logic to quantum deep learning

Journal Paper (Quantum Machine Intelligence 2021)

Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning and its latest techniques.


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Lugano, Switzerland 🇨🇭